Free Delicious & Healthy Raw Vegan Recipes
Enjoy a raw vegan diet with free low fat raw vegan recipes
Become a master at preparing raw vegan food
Raw Vegan Culinary Set
A set in which you get a total of 157 delicious and healthy recipes from fresh plant foods. With this 'Raw Vegan Culinary Set', you get 2 recipe books and 2 online courses to learn how to prepare fresh plant food in a delicious and healthy way.
Free Low Fat Raw Vegan Recipes at Health Glows
What Kind of Recipes Are in the Health Glows Cuisine?
On the Health Glows website, the creator of the Health Glows platform shares some of her favourite recipes made from fresh plant foods. With her personal experience on an exclusively vegan diet since 2005 and an exclusively raw vegan diet since February 2012, Marina from Health Glows has over the years studied the culinary aspect of a raw vegan diet and had the opportunity to prepare raw vegan food at numerous smaller and larger events. Certainly, she prepares it daily at home. Marina’s recipes can be described at food that is simple to prepare, easy to digest, delicious and healthy.
What Do You Get in the 'Recipes' Section of the Health Glows Website?
In the Recipes section of the Health Glows website, you get free recipes made from fresh plant foods. Notice that there is a big difference in the effect on the body and digestion between gourmet raw recipes and low-fat raw recipes. Most of the raw recipes that can be found on the Internet are gourmet, which means that they are still difficult to digest even though they consist of raw plant foods. On the Health Glows website, you get raw vegan recipes that have a very moderate percentage of fatty ingredients, respect the proper food combining rules, are simple to make and easy to digest.
Who are the Health Glows Recipes for?
The Health Glows recipes are ideal for all those who seek to eat food that easily passes through the digestive system, hydrates the body thanks to its rich water content, and does not require much energy for digestion. In this way, after consuming this type of food, you feel light and energetic, while at the same time you have satisfied your nutritional needs, as well as your taste buds in terms of the food texture and taste.
Marina from Health Glows
As a certified raw vegan diet and healthy lifestyle coach, Marina helps her clients and followers to transition to a raw vegan diet in a proven and sustainable way, along with incorporating an exercise program for staying fit long term, in order to get rid of health problems and build a high level of health.